Help folks in low wage jobs move into dignified middle class vocational careers.

Our Values
The Time is Now
Time is our most precious asset in life and as a company. We will win because we execute and innovate faster than any of our competitors. All of us are here to win and do extraordinary things. We will act with corresponding urgency.
Speak Up
The best ideas can come from anyone and you’re here because we believe in you. Speak up when you disagree, when you see an opportunity, and when you see someone not upholding our values.
Don’t Be Mean
Life’s too short to spend all your time working with jerks. We’re expected to debate, disagree, and fight for what’s right but never at the expense of treating your team with respect and kindness.
Metrics Matter but People Matter More
Metrics like revenue, net promoter score, and user retention are all critical to our success – we won’t succeed without hitting related goals and teammates will be evaluated as such. However, we can’t lose our humanity in the process and remember that there’s people behind each number – from trainee’s lives improved to teammates trying their hardest.
Embrace a Growth Mindset
All teammates have true ownership and accountability for an important piece of the business. Such ownership requires us all to embrace a growth mindset. This means always being cognizant of how we could have performed better. We believe this outlook yields the best results for individual and team growth.
Our Team